Sunday, January 14, 2007

January 14, 2007

Yesterday our adoption day went fantastic - as they have gone for the 6 weeks we've been at the Petco Porter Ranch. We had large crowds, lots of questions asked, plenty of applications. At the end of the day we placed one kitten that Gloria & Lana brought and two adult cats named Flower and Frosty that Rosemary has been fostering for over 9 months. Plus, we have great applications on two of our dogs - Barney (who we just rescued on Thursday) and Lukas (who I just bailed out of East Valley Shelter two weeks ago). We are hoping that another "lead" will see Holly going to a new home - she's been in rescue for over a year and is the sweetest Staffie anyone ever wanted to meet.

I have several sick dogs at home thanks to the SEACCA bailouts - Candy has kennel cough, the Rottie pups are sneezing, Bailey (the SEACCA culprit) is just getting over KC, and my poor little Frosty is very sick. Everyone is being treated with PenG and Baytril, and Frosty is also going in the "steam tent" twice daily for an hour to clear up his congestion. Thankfully, he's still eating.

After adoptions yesterday I did the home check/delivery for Fabio - our adorable Wheaten boy with the big mouth. The family was great and I think that they will enjoy him very much - he's a character and he'll be great with their kids.

Today I worked (Sunday) so that I could have this coming Friday off to go to a Petfinder seminar in Carlsbad with the other volunteers... I'm looking forward to it. While I was at work, Steve came up and loaded up the last pallet of dog food from our huge donation so that he could take it over to June's place so that the Needy Not Greedy program could disburse it among rescue orgs.

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